
Best practice resources for remote consultations

Remote consultations are seen as a vital part of elective recovery and in making the NHS more environmentally sustainable. A remote consultation is a consultation that takes place digitally over the telephone, video, online, or through asynchronous messaging as opposed to face-to-face. Services and professionals must have measures in place to ensure remote consultation is as effective and safe as a face-to-face appointment.

EULAR remote care 2022

2022 published paper from EULAR on points to consider in remote care for rheumatic and MSK diseases 

Best practice case study

The Northern Devon Healthcare Trust has developed a virtual clinic service for biologic outpatients with stable disease. The aim of the virtual clinic is to increase convenience for patients by reducing travel times and time spent in hospitals waiting for appointments. The virtual clinic has resulted in increased patient satisfaction, and cost savings are expected for both the Trust and patients through reduced “did not attend” (DNA) appointments and hospital overheads, and reduced travel costs, respectively