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Frequently asked questions about BSR elections.

We've compiled a list of FAQs about the BSR elections process. If your question is not answered, please get in touch with or call 0207 842 0900.

How do I nominate myself for a position?

Get in touch with us if you have an interest in election nominations.

Can I nominate someone else?

No, but you can encourage them to submit a nomination.

What happens if I can't complete my nomination before the deadline?

Unfortunately we can't extend election deadlines, so your nomination will not be counted.

What kind of time commitment should I expect?

This varies dependant on position and committee, and more information can be found within individual role descriptions. The majority of meetings take place virtually, cutting down on travel time. Meeting dates and times are set a year in advance, allowing you to plan your schedule.

Is it possible to share the role with another member?

If you’re interested in job sharing with another member, you must contact the team first to discuss the role you are considering as there are some roles where a job share might not be possible.

Do I need experience to apply for a role?

Some of our vacancies require different skills and expertise, so it’s always worth making sure you read the individual role descriptions. We offer a comprehensive induction when you join us and will support you through your term; All we need is keen interest and your time. Talk to us if you’re unsure about anything.

I'm still nervous about expectations and experience...

Talk to us. We can put you in touch with current committee members or our Committee Managers to have a chat before you submit your nomination.

What support and training can I expect if elected?

As mentioned, we have a comprehensive induction period for new committee members. The specifics vary from role to role, but during the period between your successful candidacy being announced and the commencement of your role, we'll support you and ensure you're sufficiently prepared.

How do I choose from all the options?

Get in touch with us for a chat at or join a drop in session. We're happy to point you in the right direction, and put you in touch with current committee members to help you get a real idea of what it's like to be on a BSR committee.

Do I have any legal responsibilities as a committee member?

No – only if you're on the Board of Trustees.

Do I have to declare any interests during nomination?

Yes, we ask all members seeking nomination to declare their interests in their nomination.

I need a 'supporter' – what does this mean?

You need fellow BSR members to support your nomination for it to be valid. Your supporters can register themselves on the elections website. Please check the role description for the position/s you're applying for to check how many supporters you'll need.

My supporters submitted their support before I could submit my application – do they still count?

Yes, they do.

I need technical support

Contact UK Engage on; they're running the elections on our behalf.

I've not had any communications about how to vote – what do I do?

Look for an email from UKEngage, our elections partner. This contains instructions on how to vote, as well as your unique security code. Check your junk folder; then get in touch with us and we can resend the information to you.

What's a unique security code?

An eight-digit code of two letters and six numbers that's specifically allocated to you so you can cast your vote. It's been sent to you by email, is unique to you and can only be used once when voting.

As a recent joiner, can I vote?

Yes, so long as you're a member with voting status. For this, you must be based in the UK. Members who are unable to vote are Affiliates, students, retired and international members. If you are voting for a trainee position on the Trainee’s committee, only trainee’s can vote. Get in touch with us for voting instructions if you haven’t received them.

The voting system won't accept my unique security code?

Make sure you've entered it correctly, without spaces; you may not need to do this if your code's been pre-populated for you by a unique link in the email we sent you.

The system says I've already voted

Once you've confirmed your choice, you can't come back later and change it. If you try to enter your code again, you'll see an error message; contact us if you haven't yet voted.

There was a glitch when I voted. How do I know my vote's been recorded?

Try and vote again – if the system's recorded your vote, this won't be possible. If it is, then you know it wasn't on that occasion.

Can I vote using my smartphone or tablet?

Yes, but if you experience any difficulties, try from another device. You can report any problems to

Start the process

Start the process

Find out more about the application process and seek nomination today.

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