
An annual collection of sought-after awards, recognising significant contributions to the rheumatology specialty.

Each year we run a selection of awards in line with our Annual Conference. These celebrate success and innovations that change the face of rheumatology, recognise achievements and encourage those working to improve patient care.

If successful, winners are recognised at Annual Conference; they present their work and are awarded their prize during a plenary session.
Michael Mason Award Awarded biennially for excellence in clinical or scientific research in the field of rheumatology
Garrod Award Awarded to a scientist from a non-clinical background who has demonstrated distinguished contribution to the field of rheumatology
Abstract Awards We have four abstract awards that are awarded each year at our Annual Conference in recognition of the top scoring abstracts within four areas: Young investigator, Nurse and allied health professional, Student award (in association with Versus Arthritis), Paediatric rheumatology.